Michelle Crenshaw has made her career freelancing within the private sector job market and she has been working in the entertainment motion picture industry most of her adult life. After graduating from Columbia College, Ms. Crenshaw interned with union cameramen, getting her start on films such as “Uncle Buck” and working several features for the late John Hughes before heading west to Los Angeles. In 2017, she returned to her hometown of Detroit, Michigan as an artist in-resident, teaching cinematography to advanced media students at Wayne State University.
When time allows, Ms. Crenshaw shares skills as an adjunct faculty member for the University of Southern California Cinematic Arts program. As a member of the International Cinematographers Guild IATSE local 600, she was recently re-elected to the National Executive Board. In 2020, Ms. Crenshaw filmed a documentary for Refinery29.
When time allows, Ms. Crenshaw shares skills as an adjunct faculty member for the University of Southern California Cinematic Arts program. As a member of the International Cinematographers Guild IATSE local 600, she was recently re-elected to the National Executive Board. In 2020, Ms. Crenshaw filmed a documentary for Refinery29.