Welcome to the Workforce Development Board

The City of Los Angeles Workforce Development Board annually manages more than $50 million in public funds to build the LA economy and improve the quality of life for every community member.

AdvantAGE LA

2024 Advantage LA report cover: three diverse older people under the title Advantage LA: A blueprint for employing, retaining, and advancing older workers across LA; included logos are Workforce Development Board, Economic & Workforce Development Department, City Seal of LA, and Cause Impacts

In an era characterized by rapid change and evolving job markets, the marginalization of Older Workers frequently sidelines individuals who possess invaluable experience and expertise. With a shrinking pool of skilled workers, businesses cannot afford to overlook the wealth of skills older employees offer. By tapping into this vast talent pool, companies can reduce recruitment costs and bolster their competitive advantage in an increasingly globalized economy.

The AdvantAGE LA plan offers actionable recommendations for employers to capitalize on these opportunities by facilitating upskilling, reskilling, and the exploration of new career pathways for employees of all ages. The plan also provides recommendations for municipalities, service providers, community-based organizations, and education and training providers that help support older workers. By fostering age-inclusive workplaces and investing in the growth and development of employees across all stages of their careers, the full potential of our local workforce can be unlocked.

Workforce Development Board (WDB) Annual Plan 2024-2025

cover page for Draft Two of the Annual Plan for Program Year 2024-25: white, blue and light green color blocked page with black & white images of downtown Los Angeles and the top of Los Angeles City Hall, and text indicating the Plan title with the City of Los Angeles official seal, the EWDD and Workforce Development Board logos Available for Public Review

The Annual Plan covers the service strategies, activities, and budget for the City’s Workforce Development System. It outlines how the City will deliver services and meet the objectives of promoting a trained workforce with access to good jobs and a strong business/employer regional economy. The Workforce Development System is comprised of WorkSource/America's Job Centers of California, YouthSource Centers, and satellite sites, supported by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

The second Draft of the 2024-25 Annual Plan was released on Thursday, May 23, 2024, for public review.

For an overview of the Annual Plan, please review the Year 25 Workforce Development Annual Plan: FY 2024-2025 Presentation from the virtual community forum held on May 1, 2024.

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Employers & Business

BusinessSource Centers help local businesses, entrepreneurs and developers through a variety of services
Our Services

Job Seekers

WorkSource centers are located across LA City specifically designed to help our community members find and stay employed
Our Services


YouthSource Centers help our young people with education, skills training and career guidance at every stage of their path
Our Services