AdvantAGE LA
In an era characterized by rapid change and evolving job markets, the marginalization of Older Workers frequently sidelines individuals who possess invaluable experience and expertise. With a shrinking pool of skilled workers, businesses cannot afford to overlook the wealth of skills older employees offer. By tapping into this vast talent pool, companies can reduce recruitment costs and bolster their competitive advantage in an increasingly globalized economy.
The AdvantAGE LA plan offers actionable recommendations for employers to capitalize on these opportunities by facilitating upskilling, reskilling, and the exploration of new career pathways for employees of all ages. The plan also provides recommendations for municipalities, service providers, community-based organizations, and education and training providers that help support older workers. By fostering age-inclusive workplaces and investing in the growth and development of employees across all stages of their careers, the full potential of our local workforce can be unlocked.